[Uim] uim-helper-applet: what does the 'R' button/menu do?

gabor gabor at z10n.net
Sun Aug 15 22:47:13 EEST 2004


i am trying to use uim,
and have been playing with the configurations and so on.
one mayor problem for me is that the most of the docs on the webpages is
in japanese, so for someone who wants to learn japanese it's a chicken-
egg problem ;)))
so here's the question:

when i add the helper applet to the panel in gnome,
there are 2 buttons on the panel:
-i mostly understand the first one. it switches between hiragana
katakana and so on,
but what does the last option do? if i turn it on, i start to write
latin characters with big spaces between them

-the second button. it displays a 'R'.if i click on it, it display ローマ字
and  かな. if i click on the first one, nothing happens. if iclick on the
second one,  the following happens:
	-without clicking on it, when i write for example わたし i enter 'watashi'
on the keyboard. 
	-but if i click on the second option, entering 'watashi' shows わたsし. i
have to enter 'watasi' to get what i wanted. and after this, i cannot
change back to the 'old' behaviour. clicking on ローマ字 does not help. i
have to restart the app to make it work again.  

so what is the function of:
-the last entry from the first button
-the second buttons entries

gabor farkas

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