[Uim] Adding new IM

Vincent Ramos sivanataraja at free.fr
Thu Apr 21 20:57:43 EEST 2005


I've been using uim (along with scim) for months and added three input methods 
of my own. Since I reinstalled my OS (Debian Sarge), these three files are 
not available any more when I launch scim (with scim -d) though they were, 

I had installed them in /usr/share/uim as *.scm files. I cannot find out how 
to include them in scim's other available IM list (I think I had modified 
some file I can't remember). 

Could someone help me, please?

Here is what these files look like: 
(require "generic.scm")
(define arabe-rule
((("'" "a" ))("<one Arabic character>"))
((("/" "o"))("<another one>"))))

(define arabe-init-handler
  (lambda (id im arg)
    (generic-context-new id im arabe-rule #f)))

 'arabe "" "UTF-8" (N_ "Alphabet arabe") arabe-init-handler)


Vincent Ramos


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