[Xcb] xcb-util make error

Christer Sandvik christer.sandvik at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 05:16:37 PST 2006

Vincent Torri wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Dec 2006, Christer Sandvik wrote:
>>> If your only trouble with XCB is that the released xcb-util tarball
>>> won't build, then the best we can do is try to help troubleshoot what
>>> goes wrong when you run
>>>     git-clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xcb/util
>>> If you're having trouble installing git, again, you'll need to ask for
>>> help with that from people who know the MacOS X environment.
>> Git compiling fails, is there anyone with OSX experience? Patience, 
>> patience, patience the voice in my head says.
> always give the compiling error. We can give you answers faster. Also, 
> when I want to track a compiling error, I use google. It helped me a 
> lot (for compiling linux progs/libs with mingw, for example)
Oops so foolish I forgot expat it's working now.
>>> Finally, evas of course has been implemented using Xlib for a long 
>>> time,
>>> which doesn't need xcb-util. If you just want to get evas working, I'd
>>> think you shouldn't be using Vincent's XCB port yet.
> I think that I've missed a mail :)
>>> p.s. valgrind won't run on PowerPC, right? Last I checked it only
>>> supported x86, since it works at the machine-code level.
>> Exactly so what happens if i really need it? Then evas in the end 
>> won't compile either or?
> valgrind is only used for debug purposes. You don't need it to compile 
> or run evas.
> Vincent

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