[Xcb] xcb-util OSX help

Christer Sandvik christer.sandvik at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 12:45:30 PST 2006

Ian Osgood wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2006, at 3:54 AM, Christer Sandvik wrote:
>> I have the git repository of xcb-util but how should I adept it to 
>> OSX to make it work in the compile? Anyone working OSX?
> For OS X, you need to install the OS X development tools, which might 
> be on a different CD. Then you also need to upgrade automake to 
> version 1.7 or newer, and install pkgconfig. Also, libtoolize on OS X 
> is named "glibtoolize", so you need to "export LIBTOOLIZE=glibtoolize" 
> before running automake.
Yes I am familiar with that part since long ago, but I am not familiar 
with certain parts programming.
> Read the XCB developers page 
> at http://xcb.freedesktop.org/wiki/DevelopersGuide
> This will direct you to first 
> read http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/ModularDevelopersGuide
> Especially note settings for PKG_CONFIG_PATH and ACLOCAL.
> You've already installed git and downloaded xcb-util. To build the 
> libraries or any other autotooled module directly from the repository, 
> you start by changing to the root directory (cd xcb/util) and running 
> ./autogen.sh. This will detect your system (Darwin) automatically and 
> generate makefiles for all modules and submodules. When it completes, 
> you can run "make" to make the libraries and "make install" to install 
> them, as if you had downloaded tarballs.
Yes this is what I know but doesn't work, autogen with prefixes work but 
make doesn't work then.

./configure: line 18934: syntax error near unexpected token `XCB,'
./configure: line 18934: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XCB, xcb)'

This seem to affect makefile creation and why this?

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.

Anyone with experience compiling under Darwin can help out?
> Ian

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