desktop-entry-spec.xml patch

Ray Strode rstrode at
Sat Jul 10 10:17:16 EEST 2004


> I'm about to commit the following patch to the desktop file spec.  It
> changes the current MIME description to match what was discussed, and
> brings it closer to reality.  I would also like to make the following
> changes to the spec:

> -      The escape sequences <literal>\s</literal>,
> -      <literal>\n</literal>, <literal>\t</literal>,
> -      <literal>\r</literal>, and <literal>\\</literal> are supported,
> -      meaning ASCII space, newline, tab, carriage return, and
> +      The escape sequences <literal>\s</literal>, <literal>\n</
> literal>,
> +      <literal>\t</literal>, <literal>\r</literal>,
> +      <literal>\;</literal>and <literal>\\</literal> are supported,
> +      meaning ASCII space, newline, tab, carriage return, semicolon,
> and
>        backslash, respectively.
I'm not entirely sure making \; an escape sequence like the others is
the best approach.  For one, ';' has no special meaning for string
values (only lists), so escaping them for strings seems wasteful.  
Also, I think it may slightly complicate implementations by making ';'
part of the escape sequence (the escaped character be part of the 
escape sequence (probably not a big deal though)).

> +      It is expected that for some applications this list could 
>        get longish.
"longish" sounds a bit informal.
> +       The format of the cache mirrors that of the desktop file, and
> is
> +       just a list of mime-types to desktop files.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the format of the cache mirrors that of
the desktop file".  The cache file is just key=value pairs, yes?  So it
lacks a group header, and has other differences from a desktop file,
yes?  I think maybe instead of "mirrors" the phrase "somewhat similar"
or something along those lines would be a little clearer.

> +      <title>Priority of Mime desktop files</title>
Mime should be MIME i think.

> +      <para>
> +       There is also a preference list to determine preferred
> +       application of a given MIME Type.  It defines the 'default'
> +       application to handle a given MIME-Type.  It has the same
> format
> +       as the cache list.
> +      </para>
> +      <programlisting>mime/type:desktop-id.desktop;</programlisting>
I think that : is supposed to be an = .

--Ray Strode

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