XDG Icon Spec: requesting new icons for headsets, speakers, headphones

Patryk Zawadzki patrys at pld-linux.org
Thu May 14 02:06:35 PDT 2009

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Jakob Petsovits <jpetso at gmx.at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 May 2009, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>> Regardless whether a hostile fork is attempted or Rodney gives up the
>> spec voluntarily, the problem is that we'd have to find someone else
>> (who is credible) who would be willing to maintain the spec.
> Personally, I think the idea of a "minimal" icon specification is broken by
> design, this way we'll never get to themes that are usable cross-desktop.
> There are so many apps out there using their own icon names, and frankly,
> that's ok in many cases.

True, I second that. Please see what happened to the "idealistic" CSS
2.0 specification. Then came version 2.1 where instead of making up an
ideal way they instead documented what various browser were actually
doing and supporting. It's better to have a non-ideal but complete
list of icons that we can improve upon but that is already useful to
new application and/or theme authors than to idle away indefinitely
waiting for a perfect list. If I was starting to work on an audio app
I could just use whatever names were listed at that point in time and
update them as needed by following the list. Currently I have to come
up with my own names, draw the icons and still follow the list in wait
for a blessed solution (and then drop my icons and update names used
in the code).

Patryk Zawadzki

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