[Xesam] oscaf/xesam ontology merge: who is going to maintain/edit what?

Evgeny Egorochkin phreedom.stdin at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 11:22:41 PDT 2009

On 5 июня 2009 21:13:33 Arun Raghavan wrote:
> 2009/6/5 Arun Raghavan <arun at accosted.net>:
> [...]
> > Looks like the Xesam project already has an empty repository, even:
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xesam
> Sorry about the mail flood - that was just FYI. Let's just go with
> whatever is simplest to use and serves all our purposs.
> If we're okay with the fd.o infra a shot, I'm willing to take it up
> (I'm not familiar with the procedures there, but it can be figured
> out).

I overlooked the ability to host git on FDO so I stand corrected.

It's not as important where git repo is as long as it's possible to manage 

What worries me is the issue tracker because it's critical that the 
information is preserved and that the tool is enchancing productivity, not 
harming it.

Also the namespace for hosting of the released ontologies is important too.

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