[xliff-tools] Another question on PO and XLIFF

Tim Foster Tim.Foster at Sun.COM
Tue May 3 07:01:18 PDT 2005

Hi Rodolfo,

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 14:52, Rodolfo M. Raya wrote:
> > (either way, we (Sun/open source xliff filter
> > once it's released) have to do work to move from <it> to whatever is
> > recommended)

> The guide recommends placing C-format tags in <ph> elements. See
> section AFAIK, <g> elements are not recommended for anything
> special.

Cool, thanks for the update : haven't got around to fixing this on our
side yet -- it's on the things to do list though.

> BTW, current Java implementation in CVS treats "\n" as text, it does
> not surround it with <ph></ph>. Now I think that if the c-format flag
> is present, then "\n"  should be placed inside a <ph> element.

Yep, definitely : if you know something about the source-formatting, it
makes sense to try to use the capabilities in XLIFF to their full

Tim Foster - Tools Engineer, Software Globalisation
http://sunweb.ireland/~timf http://blogs.sun.com/timf

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