[Clipart] Different languages VS English clipart names

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Wed May 13 19:02:53 PDT 2009

2009/5/10 chovynz <chovynz at gmail.com>:
> Quick question that might have a large impact. :)
> Do we want the clipart entry in English? or other languages as well (since
> OCAL is global.)
> My thoughts on this:
> It is useful for the other languages to have their stuff in their language,
> and I don't have a problem with entries being in their languages. However,
> English has become a global language, with most countries learning it as a
> general educational standard.
> Taking this into account, and using the tags it can be easy to find things
> that you are looking for, if you know how to search. Using this recent entry
> as an example: http://openclipart.org/media/files/ha1flosse/13111
> This is named "Delphin". This entry won't come up when searching for
> "dolphin", but it will show up when the tag dolphin is used. I'm guessing
> this is a French entry.
> Is this language entry a problem? Do we want most entries to have an English
> title, or can we get away with a description with the English words?

I would like to suggest adding a language tag to the keword metatag, either
explicitly within the tag (for cat):
           <rdf:li lang='en'>mammal</rdf:li>
or implicitly in the text:

then we could include different language tags within the actual images.

I would also like to add the opportunity to add more semantic webby
tags.  In particular, I have tagged some pictures from v0.18 to


These links are all in the public domain.

If we link a picture of "dog" to, for example, wn-eng-02084071-n, then
this allows us to look it up in many ways:
 <rdf:li type="wn">wn-eng-02084071-n</rdf:li>


(a) hypernym search --- I look for "terrier", can't find a picture
then we and offer an image of its hypernym and get a picture of a dog.

(b) hyponym search --- I look for "carnivore", can't find a picture
and show pictures of its hyponyms: dogs, wolves, foxes, lions,

(c) crosslingual search (which is my main interest) English WordNet is
linked to free wordnets in Japanese, French, Spanish, Catalan, Arabic,
... so we could look up
犬 in Japanese and find the picture of a dog.

If anyone is interested in this, please contact me. I am keen to work
on it from the WordNet side, but don't want to learn PHP :-), as I am
a PERL man.

There are already some libraries for WordNet and PHP:

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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