[Xlibs] A hack for flashplayer

Mike A. Harris mharris@www.linux.org.uk
Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:05:32 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Keith Packard wrote:

>> If there is a bug in Flash, we should do Macromedia the courtesy
>> of reporting the bug as well as we can now.
>That was the first thing I did.  I understand their response is generally 
>luke-warm, which is understandable given the relative market share of the 
>Linux flash player.  As such, I expect we'll need a kludge for at least 
>the near term.  After all, we'd miss so much of the web without flash.

Do you mean that I'm missing part of the web?  And all this 
time...   ;o)

Mike A. Harris