Xserver Config file

D. Moonfire lists at mfgames.com
Thu Apr 1 06:53:42 PST 2004

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 08:35, Bjørn Lindeijer wrote:
> Probably ~/.xserverrc is the right file to put a custom X server and 
> command line options? And /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc for a 
> global one. See manpage of startx.

Is there going to be any plans for a single starting executable for the
Xserver? Maybe one that either automatically determines its
configuration or uses a centralized file? One of the things I was never
fond of in XFree was all of the X apps and the need for Xwrapper or



Dylan Moonfire
Moonfire Games

The playtesting agreement is now available on http://www.mfgames.com/balance. We are
still looking for beta playtesters and anime/manga artists. Please visit the website
for more information.


Dylan Moonfire
Moonfire Games

The playtesting agreement is now available on http://www.mfgames.com/balance. We are
still looking for beta playtesters and anime/manga artists. Please visit the website
for more information.

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