Suspected xtrans/xcompmgr/xserver clash

Christoffer Olsen co at
Mon May 3 19:01:07 EST 2004


I installed the fd.o xserver last night, and it works great (except that
GNOME doesn't seem to find any XKB, is that unimplemented, or my fault?
If someone could elaborate on that, I'd be glad too.), although the
favorite part - xcompmgr - won't work.

I suspect this is due to version clashes with the CVS trees. I read in
the archive for this mailing list that a problem I had was related to "a
broken xtrans merge", and that I was supposed to check out xtrans that
was a week old. Since it was a couple of weeks ago I think, I checked
out "a month ago". The xserver was recompiled, and it ran perfectly.
Remind you, all other xserver parts were compiled with all the newest
(botched?) xtrans stuff, although I don't know what uses them.

Now, I tried starting xcompmgr. I haven't read that it has to be started
at a particular time in the run, but I tried starting it directly from
an Xterm, and from within GNOME (as root, it didn't like the libraries
as user for some reason that I haven't figured out). 

I started it this way: 
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/fdo/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/fdo/bin/xcompmgr
_X11TransOpen: Unable to find transport for local
Can't open display

...and it wouldn't start, as you can see. Now, I suspect this being due
to the xtrans stuff, as the error is, precicely, X11Trans related. Since
I just compiled the server with the older xtrans stuff, I decided to try
the released library (0.1), since recent CVS made the server stop

So, if I am right, and the problems are because of xtrans, I just need
someone to verify a date where everything works perfectly, so I can
check out CVS from there. Trying-and-failing is a bit time-taking, due
to recompiling the entire Xserver module every time. 

Oh, and if someone has a completely different solution that works better
or as well, I'm happy with that too:)

Thanks in advance,

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