Suspected xtrans/xcompmgr/xserver clash

Daniel Stone daniel at
Mon May 3 20:33:10 EST 2004

On Mon, May 03, 2004 at 11:01:07AM +0200, Christoffer Olsen wrote:
> I started it this way: 
> # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/fdo/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/fdo/bin/xcompmgr
> _X11TransOpen: Unable to find transport for local
> Can't open display
> ...and it wouldn't start, as you can see. Now, I suspect this being due
> to the xtrans stuff, as the error is, precicely, X11Trans related. Since
> I just compiled the server with the older xtrans stuff, I decided to try
> the released library (0.1), since recent CVS made the server stop
> working.
> So, if I am right, and the problems are because of xtrans, I just need
> someone to verify a date where everything works perfectly, so I can
> check out CVS from there. Trying-and-failing is a bit time-taking, due
> to recompiling the entire Xserver module every time. 

cvs up -r XTRANS-0_1-RELEASE, and you'll need to recompile libX11.

Daniel Stone                                            <daniel at> powering your desktop      
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