First review of ATI420 chip

Jon Smirl jonsmirl at
Tue May 4 11:54:01 PDT 2004

--- Sean Middleditch <elanthis at> wrote:
> I wonder how well things like video acceleration can mix with the 3D
> engine?  And also, is it feasible to get something like the Linux
> console buffer running on a 3D-only card?  Or will cards forever be
> stuck with VGA/SVGA compatibility for just that reason?

By video acceleration do you mean things like TV capture and MPEG decoding? If
so those would continue to work as they do today where they send their output to
video memory. xserver's compositor will pick up these images and blend them into
the display.

There is no problem implementing Linux console on 3D hardware. We just have to
convince the FB developers that they don't have to be able to write directly to
the framebuffer. Technically there is nothing stopping it.

I suspect the 2D block will be gone a couple of generations from now.

Jon Smirl
jonsmirl at

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