First review of ATI420 chip

Alex Deucher agd5f at
Tue May 4 15:50:55 PDT 2004

--- Sean Middleditch <elanthis at> wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-05-04 at 14:42, Jon Smirl wrote:
> >
> > 
> > This picture makes a good case for why xserver should move away
> from using the
> > 2D hardware to the 3D versions.
> It will be interesting in the future if we see card architectures
> like
> the below, but missing that little "2D Engine" block.  ;-)
> I wonder how well things like video acceleration can mix with the 3D
> engine?  And also, is it feasible to get something like the Linux

I wonder if this card even has a video overlay or if they jsut relay on
YUV textures for doing accelerated video.  I wonder if it's worth
trying to create a server module for Xv that interfaces with the
dri_driver, similar to what we are looking at for indirect rendering,
or if it's better to convince video app programmers to use openGL.


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