[Accessibility] Audio framework requirements

Luke Yelavich linuxaccess at themuso.com
Fri Apr 1 17:15:20 PST 2005

On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 10:42:52AM EST, T. V. Raman wrote:
> This is a good document.
> My current understanding of alsa and the layers above it tell me
> that alsa and jack are a very good start, and to convince the
> rest of the mainstream Open Source development community that it
> is worth their while to look at the  needs we might  believe we
> have discovered, a  necessary prerequisit is that  we first build
> some solutions using what that community has created.

It may be harder to convince the Jack developers of our needs, as Jack  
has been designed for real-time, low latency operation, mainly for 
pro-audio work. I know Ubuntu were looking at using it for part of their 
audio framework, but decided against it.

As for the document, I may get a chanced to read it later and make some 


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