Unplug DP connector reduce sclk

Peter Blum peter.blum at lxco.com
Mon Mar 18 10:18:16 UTC 2019

Hi everyone,
we currently use kernel 4.14.22 and a RX570. To get max performance we set
power_dpm_force_performance_level to manual, pp_dpm_mclk to 2, and 
pp_dpm_sclk to 7.
A 'cat pp_dpm_mclk pp_dpm_sclk' shows:
0: 300Mhz
1: 1000Mhz
2: 1750Mhz *
0: 300Mhz
1: 588Mhz
2: 952Mhz
3: 1041Mhz
4: 1106Mhz
5: 1168Mhz
6: 1209Mhz
7: 1280Mhz *

But, as soon as we disconnect the display, the sclk changes to 300MHz. 
It also stays at 300MHz
after the connector is plugged in again.
A 'cat pp_dpm_mclk pp_dpm_sclk' shows:
0: 300Mhz
1: 1000Mhz *
2: 1750Mhz
0: 300Mhz *
1: 588Mhz
2: 952Mhz
3: 1041Mhz
4: 1106Mhz
5: 1168Mhz
6: 1209Mhz

Because we are using dma_buf to transfer data into the RX570, this gives 
us a very bad performance.

Does any one known how prevent the sclk switching ?

Is there a better method to have mclk and sclk at there maximum without 
any influence of the connectors?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / kind regards
LXCO Technologies AG
Peter Blum
peter.blum at lxco.com
Tel. +49 (0)30 - 700 767 44
Fax  +49 (0)30 - 700 767 14

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