[PATCH] drm/amd/include : Update MES v12 API for fence update

Liu, Shaoyun Shaoyun.Liu at amd.com
Thu Feb 6 15:00:07 UTC 2025

[AMD Official Use Only - AMD Internal Distribution Only]


-----Original Message-----
From: Liu, Shaoyun <Shaoyun.Liu at amd.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 1:41 PM
To: amd-gfx at lists.freedesktop.org
Cc: Liu, Shaoyun <Shaoyun.Liu at amd.com>
Subject: [PATCH] drm/amd/include : Update MES v12 API for fence update

MES fence_value will be updated in fence_addr if API success, otherwise upper 32 bit will be used to indicate error code.
In any case, MES will trigger an EOP interrupt with 0xb1 as context id in the interrupt cookie

Signed-off-by: Shaoyun Liu <shaoyun.liu at amd.com>
 drivers/gpu/drm/amd/include/mes_v12_api_def.h | 40 ++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/include/mes_v12_api_def.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/include/mes_v12_api_def.h
index 1938150a1943..fb918668ddae 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/include/mes_v12_api_def.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/include/mes_v12_api_def.h
@@ -105,6 +105,43 @@ struct MES_API_STATUS {
        uint64_t api_completion_fence_value;

+ * MES will set api_completion_fence_value in api_completion_fence_addr
+ * when it can successflly process the API. MES will also trigger
+ * following interrupt when it finish process the API no matter success
+ * or failed.
+ *     Interrupt source id 181 (EOP) with context ID (DW 6 in the int
+ *     cookie) set to 0xb1 and context type set to 8. Driver side need
+ *     to enable TIME_STAMP_INT_ENABLE in CPC_INT_CNTL for MES pipe to
+ *     catch this interrupt.
+ *     Driver side also need to set enable_mes_fence_int = 1 in
+ *     set_HW_resource package to enable this fence interrupt.
+ * when the API process failed.
+ *     lowre 32 bits set to 0.
+ *     higher 32 bits set as follows (bit shift within high 32)
+ *         bit 0  -  7    API specific error code.
+ *         bit 8  - 15    API OPCODE.
+ *         bit 16 - 23    MISC OPCODE if any
+ *         bit 24 - 30    ERROR category (API_ERROR_XXX)
+ *         bit 31         Set to 1 to indicate error status
+ *
+ */
+enum { MES_SCH_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_SHIFT_12 = 8 }; enum {
+MES_ERROR_CATEGORY_SHIFT_12 = 24 }; enum {
+       MES_ERROR_API                = 1,
+       MES_ERROR_SCHEDULING         = 2,
+       MES_ERROR_UNKNOWN            = 3,
+#define MES_ERR_CODE(api_err, opcode, misc_op, category) \
+                       ((uint64) (api_err | opcode << MES_SCH_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_SHIFT_12 | \
+                       misc_op << MES_SCH_ERROR_CODE_MISC_OP_SHIFT_12 | \
+                       category << MES_ERROR_CATEGORY_SHIFT_12 | \
+                       1 << MES_API_STATUS_ERROR_SHIFT_12) << 32)

 enum { MAX_COMPUTE_PIPES = 8 };
 enum { MAX_GFX_PIPES    = 2 };
@@ -248,7 +285,8 @@ union MESAPI_SET_HW_RESOURCES {
                                uint32_t enable_mes_sch_stb_log : 1;
                                uint32_t limit_single_process : 1;
                                uint32_t unmapped_doorbell_handling: 2;
-                               uint32_t reserved : 11;
+                               uint32_t enable_mes_fence_int: 1;
+                               uint32_t reserved : 10;
                        uint32_t uint32_all;

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