New patches to rename "retrace" to "replay"

Carl Worth cworth at
Mon Feb 11 15:30:44 PST 2013

José Fonseca <jose.r.fonseca at> writes:
> I really like the "trace"/"retrace" dichotomy, but because I'm
> apparently the only one and I'm not a native english speaker, I can
> let it go.

Thanks, José.

> - it must be an user-visible change only, ie, change only the docs,
> CLI commands, GUI menus, etc

I just pushed a new branch replay-rename with two commits. The first
commit renames "apitrace retrace" to "apitrace replay" in the CLI. It
also updates README.markdown to match.

> - backwards compatibility must be retained in CLI commands (i.e,
> apitrace trace, apitrace retrace must alias to whatever is the new
> name). But it's fine to hide / not-document these aliases

The second commit adds a simple alias mechanism with
"retrace"->"replay". Since it's a separate mechanism, none of the
existing documentation (such as "apitrace --help") is affected.

> - no source file name/symbol renaming, at least not for now. I might
> eventually do it in an opportune moment, but for now I want to avoid
> merge conflicts.
> - no executable renaming (glretrace, d3dretrace) as I have too many
> private scripts that interface directly with those executables.

It's easy enough to _not_ do things. Consider these not done as

(I will say that not renaming the retrace_command identifier does look a
bit odd. There's now an alias mapping "retrace"->retrace_command which
would be a little more clear if the identifier were replay_command. But
I definitely understand the desire to avoid merge conflicts.)

> If this is acceptable, and you're willing to carry out the changes,
> then I''ll merge it.

I also pushed a "replay-rename" for the wiki as well. So look those over
and feel free to merge, (or let me know if you'd like me to change
anything). I assume that it's acceptable to rebase feature branches like
these if I have something to update?

I expected to find the source for the main page of, but apparently that's not in the github wiki
repository? If I can get access to the source for that page, I'll be
happy to edit it as well. But maybe that's something that only you can

> You might however want to reconsider the trace->record rename,

Fortunately, I wasn't planning to change this. I think "trace" makes
sense as the initial operation. The program is called "apitrace" after
all, so "trace" should appear in the interface somewhere. Plus, the
notion of this being a "trace" operation is well-established in other
tools already, (strace, ltrace, ftrace, DTrace, etc.).


carl.d.worth at
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