Regarding Trace files generation

Alexander Monakov amonakov at
Mon Apr 6 04:45:12 PDT 2015

Resending, since until now, I haven't noticed that my response wasn't sent to
the mailing list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 15:24:59 +0300 (MSK)
From: Alexander Monakov <amonakov at>
To: sandhya <psandhyacuty at>
Subject: Re: Regarding Trace files generation 

On Wed, 1 Apr 2015, sandhya wrote:
> But i was unable to generate trace files for running application on android
> phone .Are the steps same for this? My phone is non rooted phone and /data
> doesnot have permissions .Can  any one suggest me how to proceed.(adb shell
> setprop wrap.$PROCNAME LD_PRELOAD=/data/   is not working
> properly,when i use getprop iam getting null value)

If you need to trace your own application on a non-rooted phone, it's possible,
but not straightforward: you can link your code against apitrace's
instead of system libEGL/libGLES (assuming your renderer runs native code, not
Java).  I don't know if anybody has done that successfully yet.

If you need to trace an application that you cannot modify, I'm afraid root
permissions on the phone is a hard requirement.


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