Regarding Trace files generation
psandhyacuty at
Wed Apr 1 03:28:51 PDT 2015
Hi ,
I was able to generate trace files using apitrace code on emulator using
the below steps:
adb root
adb shell setprop wrap.$PROCNAME LD_PRELOAD=/data/
adb shell setprop debug.apitrace.procname $PROCNAME
adb shell am start -n com.kiloo.subwaysurf/.RRAndroidPluginActivity
But i was unable to generate trace files for running application on android
phone .Are the steps same for this? My phone is non rooted phone and /data
doesnot have permissions .Can any one suggest me how to proceed.(adb shell
setprop wrap.$PROCNAME LD_PRELOAD=/data/ is not working
properly,when i use getprop iam getting null value)
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