Android 5 L problems to collect traces

José Fonseca jose.r.fonseca at
Tue Dec 15 02:30:07 PST 2015

Weird, this is the first email I got from you on Apitrace mailing list.

I'm apitrace's main maintainer.  As I said on the bug report, I don't use
Android myself.  Android support has been added by others, and the only
thing I do is build against Android continuously to ensure that the build
doesn't break.  But otherwise, there are no automated tests, etc, on
Android.  So I have no insight on whether there's something wrong with your
setup, with Android 5 L particularly, or if apitrace is busted on all
Android releases.

If there's still anybody interested on Android support, adding some Android
specific tests to would be
appreciated. I'd happily setup an Android emulator and run the tests
continously.  However, doing all this myself is beyond what I have
interest/time for.

And if get the impression that Android support in Apitrace is totally
busted, and nobody is actively interested in fixing it, then I'm afraid the
only option I'll have is declare Android as an unsupported platform.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 11:05 PM, Mauro Rossi <issor.oruam at> wrote:

> Hello,
> this is the third message sent to this Distribution List to report an
> issue with Android L, Android M.
> The problem was initially reported reported here:
> ,
> but apitrace developers suggested to open a thread in apitrace
> Distribution List.
> I'd like to be able to perform tracing on lollipop-x86 and in next android
> release marshmallow-x86,
> and **I am available to support tests* *on those platforms to reach that
> goal.
> In case you had missed the* *I am available** part.
> Available regards :-)
> Mauro Rossi
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