Retrace on Android
bog_dan_ro at
Tue Jan 6 09:52:02 PST 2015
Hello folks,
I just want to let you know that I've created a merge request for a retrace on Android (the retrace happens on an Android device).
Motivation: In a perfect world we don't need such a thing, creating the trace on android and replay it on desktop (which is way much faster) should be just fine, but ... well, we are not living in a perfect world and replaying the trace on the desktop doesn't fire the same errors are it doesn't on Android. I found this problem ~ one week ago when I worked 0 A.D. game port on Android. I used apitrace to create a trace but, when I replay it on Desktop and I didn't get the same errors (on desktop there were much less errors).
So I created an Android retracer, here you can find the pull request: - it is based on Qt5 branch rebased on top of master branch. - it contains a fully functional Android retracer. Check INSTALL.markdown for more info about how to build the APK. - it has some qmake files (.pro/.pri files) that I used to debug the native part of the APK using QtCreator. - I also updated the GUI which now allows the users to retrace on Android with just a few mouse clicks.
I tried to create a few patches (not only one) which I hope it will be much easier for you to review.Please let me know if you prefer to squash/split any of the patches.
P.S. I copied a few files from QtCreator (androiddevicedialog.*) which are licensed under LGPL v2 and v3. Even I'm the original author of the QtCreator's Android plugin, those files were changed by other people, so, I could not remove the license header.
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