GSoC project : "Plug the core-apitrace support for performance counters to qapitrace"
Martin Peres
martin.peres at
Sun Apr 2 10:32:11 UTC 2017
On 02/04/17 03:08, Athuljp wrote:
> Hello,
> My name is Athul Perumpillichira, I'm a second-year student of
> Electrical Engineering at TU Delft in the Netherlands. I'm interested in
> contributing to apitrace for GSoC.
> I have experience with C, C++ and OpenGL. I am currently also doing a
> research project in C++ and OpenGL as part of the honours programme at
> my university. Unfortunately, I do not have any experience with Qt5, but
> I am absolutely willing to learn it in order to contribute to this
> project. I do have some experience with AntTweakBar, however I am not
> sure if that will be very helpful.
> I would love to be a part of this project as I think it is a very useful
> tool for any developer using OpenGL.
> Unfortunately, I only found about this GSoC project today and the
> proposal deadline is on April 3rd, so I hope you will respond quickly.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Athul Perumpillichira
Hey Athul,
What kind of experience do you have with Open Source development? Can
you try
downloading Apitrace and compiling it from scratch?
If you think compiling and making a simple patch for apitrace would take you
less than a week, then I would say that you should first try to get a
proposal ready
by tonight so as I can review it, suggest improvements and you could
publish it in time.
Here are the guidelines:
Be also aware that you should not have any other commitment during the
time of the GSoC.
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