[AppStream] Adding another component type

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Fri Sep 2 16:33:06 UTC 2016

2016-09-02 18:13 GMT+02:00 Richard Hughes <hughsient at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I've been asked to write some metainfo files for various driver
> packages, for instance the nonfree NVIDIA driver. As I want to group
> these in the various tools and reports I generate I wanted to create a
> new component type rather than just use "generic". Just using generic
> would mean I'd have to put logic in multiple places to do things like
> icons and sections. I really want to group these together using a
> concrete upstream "type" rather than keying off some <metadata> key.
> I'm thinking about something like <component type="driver"> but other
> ideas welcome. Other ideas that come to mind are "driver-support" or
> "hardware-support". Thanks!

Since we talked about this already since I was asked about the exact
same thing (and I will attempt to upstream that stuff, the file is
already written), this is a no-brainer. I think you said back then
that a generic component was enough :D

A "driver" is a very specific thing, "hardware-support" is a bit more
generic and would also allow including various other tools you need to
install to make your hardware work (for example some kind of
hardware-specific control center app).
So I tend to prefer hardware-support, although I would also be fine
with "driver".

Greetings from Akademy!
    -- Matthias

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