[AppStream] Appstream ID and Flatpak

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Mon Jan 15 15:41:21 UTC 2018

I think ch.x29a.playitslowly is fine as long as its also used
upstream. It doesn't quite folow the convention, which is unfortunate,
but it is not a huge problem. In practice the dns conflict on x29a.ch
is unlikely.

On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 4:31 PM, Mathieu Bridon <bochecha at daitauha.fr> wrote:
> On Fri, 2018-01-12 at 13:37 +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
>> On Thu, 11 Jan 2018 at 22:31:40 -0700, Nate Graham wrote:
>> > I decided to start this work myself and have been submitting
>> > patches for affected apps.
>> Please be extra-careful about domain names (and domain-name-like
>> constructs like GitHub usernames) that contain U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS
>> (hyphen, minus, dash), or that contain a component starting with a
>> digit.
>> Specifically, the change you got merged into Endless Sky is in fact
>> using a reversed domain name that doesn't belong to the author of
>> Endless Sky, and could be claimed by another GitHub user or org by
>> registering on GitHub as "endlesssky".
>> The recommendation that I recently committed to the Desktop Entry
>> spec and to the D-Bus Specification is to replace all hyphen/minus
>> with underscores, and prefix an underscore if there is a digit
>> immediately before a domain component. For instance, if 7-zip.org
>> published an archiver, they could call it org._7_zip.Archiver.
>> The AppStream specification is going to include the same advice when
>> its maintainer gets a chance.
> Thank you for this recommendation, it's very useful indeed.
> Unfortunately, it came a bit late in my case: some time ago I flatpaked
> Play it Slowly, which is hosted at https://29a.ch/playitslowly
> I couldn't use ch.29a.playitslowly because the second component starts
> with a digit.
> After talking about with upstream, he decided to prefix that component
> with an "x". So now Flathub has ch.x29a.playitslowly.
> How should we proceed now?
> --
> Mathieu
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 Alexander Larsson                                Red Hat, Inc
       alexl at redhat.com         alexander.larsson at gmail.com

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