[avahi] Apple computers and name resolution

MDonoughe mdonoughe at bot24.hn.org
Fri Sep 30 13:07:12 PDT 2005

I have two Linux computers and one iBook that runs OSX 10.4. I have  
recently installed Avahi and gotten it configured on the Linux  
computers. They can see each other over IPv6 and now use IPv6 to make  
connections. I am having problems connecting to the iBook. resolveip,  
run from a Linux box, returns for the address of the  
iBook. The same happens when I try to resolve the name of a Windows  
computer that is using the Apple Bonjour add-on thing. Using  
resolveip to resolve the name of a Linux box, returns the IPv4  
address of that computer(resolveip only does IPv4 addresses). Using  
tcpdump, I see something about a cache flush, and the IPv6 address of  
the laptop. -> fe800000 -> fe80::…. The IPv6 address  
seems to be returned as an IPv4 address, and causes confusion. SSH  
thinks that my iBook is attempting to break in by using a host name  
that doesn't map back to the address the connection originates from.  
I cannot connect to my iBook from a Linux box by using the name of  
the iBook.

Sample IPv6 mDNS transcripts:
iBook resolves the name of a Linux box
20:00:23.035724 IP >  2851+ AAAA?  
ninten.local. (30)
20:00:23.286977 fe80::211:24ff:fe29:dff0.52295 > ff02::fb.5353:  2851 
+ AAAA? ninten.local. (30) [hlim 1]
20:00:23.287936 fe80::201:2ff:fe6a:5298.5353 >  
fe80::211:24ff:fe29:dff0.52295:  2851*- 1/0/0 (58)

Linux box fails to resolve the name of the iBook
20:02:15.961836 IP >  53423 AAAA?  
chrono.local. (30)
20:02:15.962690 IP >  53423*-  
1/0/0 AAAA[|domain]
20:02:15.963254 IP >  0*- [0q]  
1/0/0 (Cache flush) AAAA fe80::211:24ff:fe29:dff0 (52)
20:02:15.966753 IP >  53423 AAAA?  
chrono.local. (30)
20:02:15.969303 IP >  53423*-  
1/0/0 AAAA[|domain]

In the first sample, the iBook successfully runs ping6 and pings the  
Linux box over IPv6. In the second, the Linux box fails to ping the  
iBook. ping exits with the error "connect: Invalid argument." ping6  
does the same.

Before this, I had working mDNS with Apple's mDNSResponder, but only  
over IPv4.

Does anyone have a similar setup that doesn't have this issue?

mdonoughe at bot24.hn.org

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