[avahi] [ANNOUNCE] Avahi 0.6.10

Daniel S. Haischt me at daniel.stefan.haischt.name
Mon May 15 08:19:00 PDT 2006

Lennart Poettering schrieb:
> Hmm? Pedraig is porting Avahi to Solaris. The whole point of porting is
> to make software compatible with other OSes and other compilers. Hence
> it makes a lot of sense to use Sun's native compiler.

I did not know that Pedraig is porting Avahi to Solaris. Sorry.

To me it was obviouse that there's an issue with Sun's C compiler,
thus I thought to suggest to use the GNU compiler instead.

> Right now Avahi isn't tested on anything but GCC, but I will
> definitely welcome patches that make it compatible with SunStudio.

Depends, there are people who like to use the GNU tools on Solaris
and hence they are for example using software from www.sunfreeware.com.

And on the other hand there are people who did buy a license for Sun's
compiler collection.

As a conclusion I would say support for both compilers should be

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With kind regards
DAn.I.El S. Haischt

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