[avahi] Porting Avahi to OpenBSD

Zachary Loafman zml+avahi at zml.net
Fri Sep 21 15:50:46 PDT 2007

It's most likely to the lack of a maintainer. The FreeBSD port is
barely maintained - it feels like the port maintainer has given up on
it. I've tried to beat out a lot of the bugs for the FreeBSD version,
so you may want to start with 0.21 and add some of the patches from
any of the tickets matching the word BSD. I don't know the
Open/FreeBSD differences that well, but my guess is that you'll
have a little bit of legwork to fix issues - I certainly ran into some
serious gotchas in the FreeBSD code, and there are several Linux
assumptions in the lower level Avahi code.

I would be happy to discuss any issues you might run into, though -
I've debugged through a number of them at this point.


On 9/21/07, Volker.Wiegand at t-online.de <Volker.Wiegand at t-online.de> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am interested in porting (or rather completing the work in progress)
> Avahi to OpenBSD.
> Before I dig any further (until now I have just offered a patch to
> OpenBSD-ports to update libdaemon from 0.11 to 0.12), I would like to
> make myself known to this project here and seek consent to continue.
> I have switched from (SuSE) Linux to OpenBSD about half a year ago. Both
> are fine, but for my purposes (Homeserver for my family) today I prefer
> OpenBSD. I have been using Linux since 1994 and writing UNIX software
> for a living since the late 80's. From 1999 to 2001 I was actually
> employed with SuSE. Today I'm in IT Management of German Railways.
> What made me look into Avahi is that my son got his MacBook and I
> learned what Bonjour is. Of course that led me to Avahi. Very clean code
> base, a pleasure to read.
> I wondered why OpenBSD is not supported fully until now. Is it (a) lack
> of a maintainer? or (b) technical reasons? or (c) political reasons? If
> (a) - I'd like to offer my service. If (b) - same. If (c) - I'll keep my
> hands off.
> If you are interested in my contribution, please let me know, and I'll
> tell you what I have done so far to get it running, and I'd like to ask
> a few questions to help me understand and make it first-class platform
> (like the pthreads thing).
> Okay?
> Volker Wiegand
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