[avahi] Automatically do something, when a service has been published?

Trent Lloyd lathiat at bur.st
Sun Aug 24 05:17:23 PDT 2008

Hi Michael,

On 24/08/2008, at 7:00 PM, Michael Schmarck wrote:

> Hi.
> 2008/8/23 Trent Lloyd <lathiat at bur.st>
>> Avahi doesn't support anything like this right now (some kind of
>> 'callout' based script for services appearing/disappearing)
> Too bad.
> By chance - does mDNSresponder support that?

Not AFAIK, both mDNSResponder and Avahi are generally designed to be  
integrated into programs rather than calling out to.

Writing such a tool wouldn't be so hard, if you want to get your hands  
a little dirty...

>> You would need to write a new program making use of the Avahi API  
>> that
>> did this.
> Uhm, well, I suppose I'll just have cron call a script regularly.
>> Of course while mounting NFS mounts may seem useful.. actually
>> stopping or starting portmap etc seems silly.. why not just leave it
>> running?
> Well, I don't need portmap for anything else, so why leave it
> running? The less stuff that runs, the better.
> But you're right in so far, as portmap is well tested and doesn't
> consume much memory. OTOH, if I'm already stopping/starting
> stuff, why not stop portmap as well? But you're right - it's a bit
> silly; matters of priniciple are often somewhat silly :)

In this specific case, having portmap stopped also means you can't  
mount NFS manually unless you start it.. which is a bit of a suck.


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