[avahi] Problem seeing available services

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Feb 12 06:33:21 PST 2008

On Tue, 12.02.08 09:21, Dave Lazar (hunkybill at gmail.com) wrote:


> > > I am confused about where to fadebug my Workstation to again allow
> > > avahi-browse to show me the services available. Can someone please point
> > me
> > > to some debug techniques here. I have confirmed on my workstation that
> > > avahi-daemon is working. I am just not sure how to get it to find the
> > server
> > > services.
> >
> > FAQ #15?

Oh, BTW I am sorry for responding three times with the same
wisecracking response, I wasn't aware I was responding to the same guy
all the time. ;-)

> It would be nice if there was a collection linked to this item presenting
> the network drivers that exhibit this problem. If this is such a frequent
> problem, then the list must be pretty easy to populate. I mysel used to use
> the ipw3945 with no real ill effects, yet my investigations led me to
> erroneously believe my world would be rocked if I switched to the much
> improved iwl3945 driver. Now that I have done that and see that avahi on my
> local interface wlan0 no longer works, it is perplexing. Is it truly this
> driver. I have a VPN interface glued onto wlan0 called ham0, which is
> showing the services offered by my server, so clearly, the network card and
> driver are working fine on that subnet.

This is Free Software and our web site -- including the FAQ -- is a
wiki. You're welcome to make any changes you believe are suitable. To
do this all that is necessary is registering (this is mostly spam
protection, not even an email adress required) on the web site. 

Free Software relies on the user's contributions! So be assured that
we are happy about every user contributed change to our wiki! (except
for wiki spamming changes, of course ;-) )

> How is it explained that does not work but on the
> same card/driver combo does work??? If multicast is broken, would that not
> nullify the VPN too?

> Interesting...


That looks very suspicious to me.

Please note that mDNS is not really suitable for usage over VPNs. FAQ #9.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553
http://0pointer.net/lennart/           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4

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