[avahi] Auto-ip configuring for ad-hoc network application

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Jul 16 12:25:58 PDT 2008

On Fri, 04.07.08 20:17, Furkan ÇALIŞKAN (caliskanfurkan at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm developing ad-hoc support for Pardus GNU/Linux's network manager with
> Qt4 and Python. While doing that, when I finished the main parts of the app
> I can now connect computers with each other giving ip numbers to them
> manually. My code is first changing client's interface mode to ad-hoc, gives
> it a ip and mask then gives necessary encryption things and up the
> interface. With this, they (for ex: I did this to 2 computer) can ping each
> other. But then I realized that, in Windows you don't have to give ip
> address manualy for p2p (ad-hoc) connecting. You just create a wireless
> ad-hoc network and connect to it from others. All ip things are done
> automatic. For doing that on my app, I googled a little and read a little
> about avahi-autoipd. I thing this is for me. I studied a little bit on it.
> But now, I have no idea how the manage/apply this stuff to my manual working
> code. When I run "avahi-autoipd -D --force-bind eth1" in my code, it creates
> an inteface named eth1:avah. But my old operations (mode changing,
> encryption thins) is being done on eth1 so that it must give ip to eth1 not
> eth1:avah. (ps: it is not an obsession :) because interface name is comes
> from an other part of app)

Uh? Please note that eth1:avahi is not an interface. It is just how
labeled ip addresses are shown in legacy programs that use the old BSD
api to query network configuration information. 

ifconfig is obsolete. Use the newer tool "ip addr" from the iproute2
package instead, it does not have such a confusing output.

If you use --force-bind this will cause avahi-autoipd to add an
additional labeled ip address, and hence ifconfig will show this as
"alias" interface.


Lennart Poettering                        Red Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net         ICQ# 11060553
http://0pointer.net/lennart/           GnuPG 0x1A015CC4

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