[avahi] BUG/BYDESIGN avahi_entry_group_add_service

Stefan de Konink avahi at ml.kinkrsoftware.nl
Tue May 13 06:13:51 PDT 2008

Lennart Poettering schreef:
 > On Tue, 13.05.08 15:49, Stefan de Konink (avahi at ml.kinkrsoftware.nl) 
 >> host     The host this services is residing on. We recommend to pass 
NULL here, the daemon will than automatically insert the local host name 
in that case
 > I figure this is an except from the service registration docs?

Doxygen stuff.

 >> It is strange:
 >> 1) Avahi doesn't allow an IP address as host
 > It's not a limitation of Avahi. It is a limitation of DNS-SD. DNS-SD
 > service definitions contain references to host names, not to IP
 > addresses. Registration of IP adresses is done by Avahi itself and
 > anyway, regardless if any services are registered or not, and
 > regardless on which interfaces a service is registered.

Ok, strange situation. But let me elaborate.

 >> 2) Ignores the host completely, and if the host is correct it will 
still export *all* (public/private) IPs. (like it was NULL)
 > Avahi registers A/AAAA records for all relevant interfaces automatically.

But this is not what the user specified! The user specified the service 
is active for a specific hostname. This hostname resolves to an IP 
address. Why does avahi broadcast it to all interfaces pretending that 
the service is connected to NULL/::/

Shouldn't the hostname not be exported? Like you said in the reply on my 
first question?

Anyway the it is not like a 'big' deal for me, because we can limit the 
interfaces now. But I consider this behavior plain incorrect. If a 
service doesn't run on it should not be dumped on the network as 


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