[avahi] Multi-home uses

Del Merritt del at alum.mit.edu
Fri Sep 5 11:14:10 PDT 2008

I am looking for the description of how to properly implement and 
configure a multi-homed system.  E.g., say I have a laptop or cell-phone 
or PDA with both a WiFi card and a BlueTooth adapter, and assume that 
the Bluetooth and TCP/IP stacks support BNEP (TCP/IP over Bluetooth).

If I walk my device into a room, it may find the Wireless Access Point 
first, which may be "traditional" DHCP or it could be Zeroconf/Bonjour.  
As I walk closer to some other device, say a high-end printer, I may 
come in range of the Bluetooth network the printer is willing to support.

So the question: does Avahi - or the Bonjour/Zeroconf standard - specify 
how to function in what can be two independent networks, each having 
their own routes and potentially their own .local domains?


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