[avahi] getaddrinfo() access to avahi problem

Patrick Oppenlander pattyo.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 17:09:28 PST 2010

>     It has been fixed in the past but is broken again now.
>     See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/374674
>     -Patrick
> Hi Patrick, I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty). I'll upgrade to 9.10 
> (Karmic) which appears to have the fix (the good one, je je)
If you look through the bug history you will see that:

1. The bug existed in Jaunty
2. The bug was fixed in Karmic
3. The bug was reintroduced into Karmic on 11 Jan, 2010 because of a 
"fix" for another issue.

The other contending issue is that people see multi-second delays when 
using broken routers that don't respond to AAAA queries.

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