[avahi] DBUS Integration and Browsing Services

Glenn Martin lifewarped at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 1 12:27:13 PDT 2015

It seems the entire problem above is related to a Signal API race, i found some information about on a GitHub fork of the project:https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/issues/9 which i think is mirrored in this ticket as well on the formal Avahi website's tracker: http://www.avahi.org/ticket/247

The solution was fairly simple, I simply pre-register for all notifications for a browse object without knowing the path before calling in to existence the Browser object. I can then buffer the results and filter out any that didnt come from my specific instance. This feels a bit messy but it is effective for me at the moment.
I hope this information helps others.
Glenn Martin  
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