[avahi] {foo,bar}.local

Kai Hendry hendry at webconverger.com
Sat Sep 24 10:45:24 UTC 2016

Seems to create a new service in /etc/avahi/services/, but not a new
hostname, e.g. "foo.teefour.local" like I want.

After some trial and error, I figured out:

avahi-publish -a -R foo.teefour.local

and I guess I could put this in /etc/systemd/system but I hoped I
could define this stuff simply in /etc/avahi/services/
Figuring out one's IP address is a PITA for example.

I have now stumbled upon https://github.com/lathiat/avahi/issues/40
and https://gist.github.com/gdamjan/3168336
Also: https://github.com/airtonix/avahi-aliases &

There also seems to be references to
http://www.avahi.org/wiki/Examples/PythonPublishAlias which is 404

Still I hoped this would be simpler. What a mess. Why isn't this
feature easier to use from Avahi?!

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