Ubuntu struggling to discover hosts?

Asterion Daedalus organicmonkeymotion at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 07:56:25 UTC 2024

I have an RPi server on my network running docker with containers of
home-assitant, emqx, node-red, and MotionEye.

I have the Avahi on RPi setup to show the RPi on network as

I have long used a Windoze 10 laptop but have now also built an Ubuntu
desktop PC. I am running Chrome on both. Both the desktop PC and the laptop
are both connected to the same wifi router.

The laptop seems to connect readily to a url using the RPi host ID of
black-pearl.local but the Ubuntu PC refuses to connect, or connects and
then disconnects.  The PC is much happier if I change the url in the
browser to use the actual IP address of the RPi.

That appears to suggest there is some problem with how Ubuntu or Chrome
running on Ubuntu deals with DNS Service Discovery?


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