Fw: [cairo] Problem with fonts

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Wed Jul 26 03:20:55 PDT 2006

Behdad Esfahbod writes:
 > > I have no idea.  Do you see a freetype dll?

Baptiste Gaillard replies:
 > Yes, there is a freetype.lib library in the lib folder of the GTK
 > directory,

Note that freetype.lib is not a dll. freetype.lib is an import
library. The freetype dll that my cairo 1.1.* and 1.2.0 DLLs are (as
of currently) linked to is called freetype6.dll.

I said in my previous message that I am considering disabling the
freetype backend in my cairo 1.2.0 build. Now I realize, though, that
the cairo PDF and PostScript backends require freetype, so ignore


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