[Clipart] clipart-authority-control.pl and propagate-metadata.pl patches

Stephen Silver ocalocal at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 29 08:30:04 PDT 2005

Jonadab wrote:

> However, ...
> > svg_annotate can probably wait, but svg_validate handles all of the
> > files during the release process.

It's just as well you thought of this, as I had overlooked it.

> This turns out not to be the case, upon closer inspection.  The
> metadata are written out in text format, but as far as the actual SVG
> files themselves, it seems these are only handled by File::Copy, which
> is a widely deployed module and presumably gets things right.  So
> <famous-last-words>everything should be fine</famous-last-words>.

Not quite: the .txt files need to be in UTF-8, otherwise they won't be
able to contain all the necessary characters.  So the open statement
on line 134 needs to be fixed.

I think the browse script on the website can already handle non-ASCII
characters in the .txt files, as long as they are in UTF-8.  It just
copies the bytes unchanged to the XHTML page, so it doesn't need to do
any decoding/encoding.

Stephen Silver

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