[Clipart] cchost test installation for Open Clip Art Library

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Feb 11 07:31:33 PST 2006

Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org> writes:

> SVG support (ccHost uses getid3.sf.net for metadata, maybe we can push
> our needs upstream):
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1353648&group_id=80503&atid=559969

IMO, it is not necessary for ccHost to embed the metadata into the SVG
itself, as we have been doing.  It *is* however necessary for ccHost
to save the metadata that we need, in a location that we can access,
in a format that can be parsed automatically.

> Support for better uploads page (need simple remix, sample only, and
> possibly one for screenshots):
> http://openclipart.org/cchost/?ccm=/media/submit

Screenshot upload is not something that should hold up rollout of
this.  It is not essential to the site's core functionality and can be
added later.

> Add Open Clip Art Library logo to header

Yes, quite.

> { What else do we need to do? }

The CSS also needs work.  (Specified foreground color on unspecified
background color makes for unreadable text...  quite aside from the
complete lack of any visual similarity to the rest of the site.)

I can maybe work on that some today.  I will try to do my changes as
an alternate stylesheet, so that they are not the default while I'm
working on them and can be made the default later when they're ready.
(The only trouble here is that MSIE doesn't support alternate
stylesheets correctly and tries to use *all* of them, so IE users
may see some of the experimental styles before they are officially
ready for primetime.  I'm not sure what's to be done about that.)

Open Clip Art Library:  Drawing Together

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