[Clipart] A couple of server problems

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 18:37:24 PST 2008


Thanks for making a move on this.  I think it is the number one feature request.

> Ignore the second question, it shows I am stupid: put it as executable
> and is shown in the download page (but after download I noticed a bug in
> the script, is not ready yet).

It might be worth using bzip2 instead of gzip (i.e. 'tar cfj' not 'tar
cfz').  On my machine that saved 5M (36M reduced to 31M).  For
something that gets downloaded alot, it is almost certainly worth it.

ls -sh daily*
31M daily_SVG_snapshot.tgj
36M daily_SVG_snapshot.tgz

And I suspect the file will be even bigger when you have fixed your
bug, the snapshot had only 2423 svg/svgz files.


Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Computational Linguistics Group

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