[Clipart] Odd upload. Need advice, Susan Boyle fansite CD cover.

chovynz chovynz at gmail.com
Sat May 30 23:09:03 PDT 2009

Uploaded by:

If the person uploads the svg, are these acceptable? I suspect they are
using these for hosting...or that the uploader doesn't understand what this
website is for.

My inclination is to remove it, as Susan Boyle has signed (or may be
signing) a contract with Sony Music, and it is likely these "CD-DVD covers"
will be using music that they do not have licence to do so. I don't want
OCAL to start becoming a facilitator for pirated music CD fan covers.


We could ask them to upload the svg, and leave it at that.

The other question that comes out of this: Can CD/DVD covers be classified
as Public Domain?
What are your thoughts on this upload, and the last question?
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