[colord] colord does not start automatically in gnome-3.10.x

John Frankish j-frankish at slb.com
Thu May 8 00:47:56 PDT 2014

> On 8 May 2014 06:42, John Frankish <j-frankish at slb.com> wrote:
> > colord was compiled to /usr/local and "make install" put the conf file
> > in /usr/local/etc/colord/colord.conf, by playing around with symlinks,
> > it looks like the colord daemon is looking for
> > /usr/local/etc/colord.conf
> Err, is this some old version of colord you're trying to install?
As mentioned, it's colord-1.0.4 - more recent versions require functions in libudev that are not present on my system.

Quite why colord would install its conf file in one location and look for it in another is a mystery, but fixable :)

> > shared-mime-info is present and glibc provides iconv() - do I need some
> kind of utf-8 setting in one or more environment variables?
> I'm guessing gvfs-info /path/to/an/icc/profile.icc also displays text/plain. If
> this is right, you need to figure out why it's not working as other stuff in
> GNOME also rely on GFileInfo working correctly.

What source package is GFileInfo from?

> > Neither ~/.local/share/icc/ nor ~/.color/icc/ are present, but I've attached
> the contents of /usr/local/share/color/icc/colord - perhaps you could send
> me the correctly formatted *.icc files from your system to try?
> The files you sent me basically match what I have.
Thanks for the confirmation

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