[compiz] random questions

Jean-François Fortin web.kiddo at free.fr
Fri Dec 1 16:09:58 PST 2006

Hello folks,

I have been toying with compiz, beryl, then back to compiz, and I have
noticed a few strange things I would like your view on, just to make
sure it is not me doing something wrong...

I'm testing all this on a laptop with intel chipsets all over (the GPU
is an i915GM running AIGLX). On beryl, I could use suspend features
without any problems, the computer would go in deep sleep and when I
pressed a key, it could come right back where I left it. Now, I tried
this with compiz and it doesn't work as smooth: it basically spits me
back at the GDM login screen (so it has indeed killed my X session and
my apps). Do you have an idea what differs in compiz/beryl that makes
that suspend feature work or break?

I also noticed that compiz does not support mouse buttons for the scale
plugin (it used to, in early versions) and has a lot of trouble managing
maximized window states. For example, if I maximize a browser window,
close it, open it again, it will be slightly larger than my screen.
Remaximize, close again, open again, and then it will be slightly
smaller than my screen, still without being maximized, and the cycle
goes on.

I am using gandalfn's unstable packages, I know this is not supposed to
be stable, but it's pretty hard finding anything that *really* is stable
these days. I'd like to say that I appreciate a lot the work you all put
into this :)


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