[compiz] updating the AUTHORS file

David Reveman davidr at novell.com
Thu Dec 28 05:39:23 PST 2006

Hey everyone,

I like to get the AUTHORS file updated before the next release.

I suggest that we add the name and email of anyone who contributed some
piece of code to compiz. For people who have contributed such a
significant piece of code that it can be considered an algorithm or some
functionality (e.g. Mirco's sky dome support in the cube plugin or
Søren's plane plugin), that should also be mentioned in the AUTHORS
file. The purpose is simply to make it easy for someone to determine
who's the author of whatever code they're looking at.

The following is the contributors and full commit messages I got from
just looking at the git history, There's definitely a bunch of people
missing from before we switched to git as cvs doesn't support committing
something with a different author name. I can probably get most
contributors by manually going through the git history as I've always
included the authors name in the commit message but it would save me
some time if people could instead reply to this mail if they've done
contributions that are not listed below.



Author: Mike Cook <mcook at novell.com>

    Only hide windows on current output.

    Add initiate_output action, which initiates scale mode only for
windows visible on current output.

    Compute xTranslate and yTranslate correctly for output specific

Author: Mike Dransfield <mike at blueroot.co.uk>

    Add a few new shapes to annotate plugin and an action option that
can be used to draw these shapes.

    Add basic compiz event support.

    Add deactivate member to dbus plugin.

Author: Diogo Ferreira <diogo at underdev.org>

    Add color option to annotate plugin.

Author: Mirco Muller <macslow at bangang.de>

    Add shadow color option.

    Start- and end-color-stop for the skydome fallback gradient options.

Author: Thierry Reding <thierry at gilfi.de>

    Make sure metacity theme could be loaded.

Author: moppsy <moppsy at comcast.net>

    Add raise_window option.

Author: Guillaume <ixcemix at gmail.com>

    Add plugin feature interface.

Author: Søren Sandmann <sandmann at redhat.com>

    Add 'plane' plugin.

Author: Kristian Høgsberg <krh at redhat.com>

    Prepares for workspace that's more than one viewport high.

    Only use fbconfigs that have a corresponding visual with matching

    Drop minmized windows to the end of the window switcher list.

    Fix corner cases with big titlebar fonts.

    Tighten the double click criteria.

    Only activate button actions on left click.

    Add support for the composite overlay window.

    Don't use cmSnAtom before it's initialized.

    Update keybindings for move and resize to work more like metacity.

Author: Quinn Storm <livinglatexkali at gmail.com>

    Fix equality check for action options.

Author: Dan Winship <danw at novell.com>

    Update new edges stuff for new l10n stuff
    and fix compiz.schemas to use the configure-specified scale corner

    Improve the localization of compiz.schemas (bnc 176752)

    fix stacking logic so fullscreen windows still stay above dock when
they have transients. 

    Mark cube as needing to load before switcher rather than marking
switcher as requiring cube. bnc #183676.
    Output load_before and requires for all plugins, even if the list is
empty, to ensure that an empty value in a new release overrides a
non-empty value in an older release.

    add translations

    If we receive a _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP request with no window set, set
the flag on all screens. (Fixes the KDE "show desktop" applet.) Also,
don't allow a client to change its _NET_WM_DESKTOP.
    Set _NET_WM_DESKTOP on all windows to 0; KDE's pager and tasklist
require this to be set. (bnc 178320)

    call moveInputFocusToOtherWindow() before destroyWindow() when
processing a DestroyNotify, or else the input focus can get stranded.

    Check libwnck for wnck_window_has_name (new in HEAD).
    #if HAVE_WNCK_WINDOW_HAS_NAME, redefine wnck_window_get_name to
return NULL if the window only has a fallback name. bnc 173059.

    use ss->windows here as well so that multiple activeNum==0 windows
don't get skipped. (switchTerminate): Remove the screen grab right away
so that keystrokes don't get dropped. bnc 177650
(switchPreparePaintScreen, switchPaintScreen, switchDonePaintScreen):
update for that

    deal with both vertical and horizontal struts; but not when moving a
dock window

    Check init_all binding before init, so you can bind "<Alt>" to
init_all and so end up with "<Alt>Tab" being init_all rather than init
(but with no way to get "init"...). bnc 173376

    Set this to "None" to match wobblyInitScreen() so that it actually
works right.

    if we have a RestartCommand registered with the session manager,
update the --sm-client-id in it to match the id we were assigned. bnc
176746 remove unused --sm-save-file arg and fix documentation of

    don't process exit-on-selection-clear until the event queue is
empty, or else MapRequest and ConfigureRequest events could get lost.
bnc 175558

    Add --with-scale-corner option and make compiz.schemas reflect it;
the best corner to use depends on where the panels are and what's on
them, so distros will want to override this to match their default panel

    Fix the the "water plugin gets mysteriously activated when
activating some other keybinding" bug.

    require intltool for option-description translation
    translate compiz.schemas.in into compiz.schemas

    Put numbers into the shortDescs of the command and run_command
    Use Shift rather than Control, for consistency with Metacity, and to
remove the ambiguity about whether Ctrl+Alt+Button1 should be "grab
cube" or "move with snapping". (bnc 169402)

    rewrite to make compiz.schema regeneration a little easier, and to
make it possible to generate schema files for third-party plugins.
Include plugin descriptions and dependency information in the schema.
    add a rule to generate compiz.schemas
    s/expose/scale/ in dependencies

    tweak eventMatches slightly to allow extra modifiers to be down when
recognizing a modifier keypress. (Eg, don't require the user to release
Alt before pressing Control to get window snapping.)

    new method that replaces EV_KEY and EV_BUTTON. Tests if an event
matches a binding, being more precise about modifier state than EV_KEY
and EV_BUTTON were. (eventTerminates): Tests if an event is "the
opposite" of a binding. (Eg, button or modifier key release.) Replaces
CompReleaseMask and "terminate" bindings. (handleEvent): Use
    When passed a keybinding containing just modifiers, grab/ungrab
every keypress event that would result in that modifier state (eg, both
left and right modifier keys, and allow them to be pressed in any
    Remove CompPressMask from default bindings. (eventLoop): don't add
virtual modifiers to event state. (updateModifierMappings): store the
XModifierKeymap for later use.
    Use eventMatches and eventTerminates. Remove CompPressMask and
"terminate" bindings (except from scale, which is different from the
    Make initiate_all be just the modifier key used in addition to the
initiate binding ("<Control>"). Remove next_window since it doesn't make
a lot of sense to have it be different from initiate_all, and make
prev_window be just a modifier key as well. ("<Shift>"). (SwitchScreen):
add extra options to store the fully-composed initiate_all, prev, and
prev_all bindings. (switchScreenInitOptions, switchSetScreenOption):
Generate and regenerate initiate_all, prev, and prev_all bindings as
needed. (switchHandleEvent): update
    Remove "<Release>" handling.
    dropping the terminate bindings and updating a few others.
    remove CompPressMask, CompReleaseMask, EV_BUTTON, and EV_KEY. Add
eventMatches, eventTerminates, and keycodeToModifiers. Add modMap field
to CompDisplay.

    for the rotate-to-specific-face keys, rotate counterclockwise when
that's faster. (bnc 169427)
    Make the corners toggle scale mode rather than only activating it.
(bnc 169408)

    activate window on Button2 click in addition to Button1 and Button3.

    gconf_value_compare against the old value for list-type options too.
(gconfInitOption): Change the call to gconf_client_get_entry to request
the default value again; the fix to gconfSetOption will prevent the
infinite loops that happened before.

    clarify the "initiate" descriptions

    add 12 go-directly-to-cube-face and 12
go-directly-to-cube-face-with-window bindings.
    fix the binding type on WINDOW_MENU.
    Regen. (lower_window, window_menu, scale_image, images, resize,
flip_move, move_window_types, and the new rotate bindings)

    Rearrange #includes to prevent warning about TRUE and FALSE being

    Fix a crasher in the screenshot binding code (and rename some of the
#defines to make them not so ridiculously long). Also temporarily hack
around a bug in EV_KEY by putting the check for WINDOW_SCREENSHOT before
the check for SCREENSHOT.
    Change the keybinding again, now to "Pause". (F11 is the "fullscreen
mode" binding for many apps.)
    Rearrange #includes to prevent warning about TRUE and FALSE being

    add "water" to gconfDeps
    regen including the water options

    Request the default value of the key from gconf, rather than
initializing the key to the internal default value if it hasn't yet been
set by the user. Notably, this makes it so that "compiz gconf" on a new
account will use the default value of active_plugins rather than the
(effectively empty) list of plugins on the command line. (It also makes
it so that the sysadmin can override defaults via sabayon or whatever.)

    fix the gravity handling so self-resizing windows don't dance
(although I'm pretty sure this is a symptom of mishandling gravity
somewhere else).

    take a timestamp and pass that to the panel rather than using
CurrentTime update for that

Author: Jeremy C. Reed <reed at reedmedia.net>

    Use same autogen.sh as rest of modular Xorg. This allows running it
from alternative work directory.

    Mention "startup-notification" requirement.

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