[compiz] Patchs criterias

David Reveman davidr at novell.com
Mon Jul 3 13:03:11 PDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 01:24 +0200, Guillaume Seguin wrote:
> Greetings everyone!
> During the 5 months since Compiz was released lots of work has been
> done outside of the official team by the new Compiz community in order
> to improve Compiz's features and usability. These unofficial
> developers are mainly using the compiz.net boards, #xgl or #compiz-dev
> IRC channels on Freenode to get in touch, discuss ideas, features,
> patches and bugs... Most patches written by these developers get
> committed to Quinn Storm's cvs, which is also sync'ed with the
> official FreeDesktop cvs. Nevertheless, it seems that unfortunately
> little of the very good work that is done actually gets into the
> official project, which can make it difficult to continue to be
> enthusiastic about developing for Compiz.

As because I've been spending time getting as stable as possible for
SLED10 release, which include tracking a lot of application issues
exposed when running compiz and xgl.

I'll have time to look at more patches now that this is done.

> As a group we are wondering what the standards that any plugin or
> patch must meet before it can be included in the main codebase are :
> functions/constants/variables naming convention, coding style...
> Moreover, if there is some reason that patches are not applied other
> than their coding quality, is it possible to share it with the list so
> that we all understand whether the work we are doing can be included,
> and if so, how we must go about getting it in.

I guess I should put something about the coding style at the compiz
page. It's similar to the X server coding style. However, I'm surprised
that people don't get it by reading my current code, it's pretty

> Finally, we were wondering if it'd be possible to discuss with you a
> bit more of what we're doing, what you are doing, and what we should
> do to help - we could do this here on that list or during an IRC
> session... We were also thinking of having bug smashing parties in
> order to fix every bug anyone can face before getting further in
> Compiz development, do you have any opinions on this idea?

Send your ideas to the list and I'll try reply asap. I'll have more time
for this now that SLED10 is done.

What I plan to work on next for compiz is:

Rewrite key-binding system
Add multi-screen support


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