[compiz] Compiz and Alt-Gr problem

Mauricio Henriquez buho-1 at entelchile.net
Sun Jul 16 13:25:29 PDT 2006


anyone on the list??, is a little silence...

I have Xgl+Compiz on my FC5 and I can't use the Alt-Gr key...if I try to run 
for example
setxkbmap -layout 'es,es' -model pc105

to try to correct the keyboard layot, my system response "Error loading 
keyborad definition" or something like that...I a normal X server I can run 
that command withput problems...any idea??, some path or solution without 
compile compiz or xgl???

Thanks...by the way I can't still run java app like LimeWire, I have both 
patch "compiz....bin" and "xgl....bin" but I don't know how to apply the 
patch...help please!!!...both are very small problems, I don't want to stop 
working with Xgl for such samall problems, all the other thing on xgl work 
perfect on my system..



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