[compiz] Re: metacity theme support in gnome-window-decorator

Shawn Starr shawn.starr at rogers.com
Wed Sep 20 18:48:44 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 20 September 2006 5:21 pm, David Reveman wrote:
> I don't think that's possible. There's no API and replicating all
> structures that compiz expose to plugins is not straight forward. Most
> effects are tied to how window management is implemented and it's
> slightly different in most DEs. Most of our existing window managers are
> also not designed to be plug-able and do lots of effects.
> Having an effects and window management plugin API that can be shared
> between DEs is a nice idea but very hard to realize. To be flexible
> enough such an API would have to be huge and I think it would be
> horrible to maintain.

Agreed, there is no common DE mechanism for window management.

> My opinion is that the shortest and most realizable way to having cross
> desktop window effects is to have DEs share window and compositing
> manager code.

Sure, that would be a good thing. I don't know what the KDE folks have planned 
for their composite management in kwin. A lot of work has been put into 
compiz and having the common bits shared amongst the DEs would be nice. 



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