[compiz] dbus introspection

Travis Watkins alleykat at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 14:46:37 PDT 2007

On 3/28/07, Mike Dransfield <mike at blueroot.co.uk> wrote:
> I haven't forgotten about the patches, the problem
> with the warning seems to point to a deeper problem
> where the plugins are not correctly unregistered.
> Have you looked any further into these warnings and
> stopping them?

As explained, it's because when the dbus plugin loads it registers all
the plugins you have installed but it also registers plugins as
they're loaded so you get warnings about the 'allscreens' and
'screen0' paths being registered again. It doesn't hurt anything. If
dbus was last in your active_plugins you wouldn't get these messages.

> Also I have been using the patches for the last week
> and I am getting crashes in the unload function.  I
> haven't had a chance to get to the bottom of it yet.

This I haven't seen, I'd have to get a backtrace from you.

Travis Watkins

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